Purpose of life? A question to ponder upon

Have you ever wondered what is the purpose of your life? Try to take five minutes of your time and think about the question.

There are more than seven billion people living on our planet Earth yet if you think about it, do you think all of them know and understand their purpose of coming here on Earth?

From the biblical perspective, man was created in His own image as it is written in the chapter one of the book of Genesis. And later in the book of Isaiah, it is written that humans are created for His glory. The word glory means praise and honor. While in Hebrew, the word glory stands for “to give the correct opinion or estimate of”. So, how would you design your life or purpose of your life in order to give a correct opinion of estimate of Him, your Creator? Think about it.

Other than what I’ve stated in the above paragraph, I think that it is important to have a purpose in life. Why you might ask. Consider this. If you want to go to Pluto and you are heading to the direction of the Sun, would you reach your destination? Or let’s say you want to go to the ocean yet you are climbing up the mountain, would you reach your destination? It’s the same for having a purpose of life. If you know where you want to go [what you want to achieve in your life], you would have plan your journey correctly [the direction you are heading]. Therefore, if riches is your end destination [purpose of life], you would have to plan your journey. Without a purpose, you will be drifting in life, wasting all your time and energy and get nothing in the end. You would have wasted your whole life. On the other hand, he/she who know what they want in their life set their goals and plan their ways to achieve their goals. Such people are bound to become successful because they know what they want in their life and take action. Remember this, there is no such thing as ‘free lunch’ as said by the Chinese that is there is no such thing as something for nothing.

Let’s get back to the most basic part of the topic. Various people have different purpose in their life. I’ve been told about being rich, being successful, being healthy and etc. But I would think that the most important purpose in life, is being happy. If you think about it, if you’re rich and not happy, what is the point of living? Would you rather live a life of hundred years being a happy yet poor person or you choose to have a life with a lot of money yet you’re not happy everyday? Moreover, there’s a Chinese saying, “What’s the point of having so much money when you can’t bring it into coffin?” Even Jesus said in Luke 9:25 “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?”

You might have different opinion about this but I do hope that after reading this, you would ponder upon what I’ve said and be able to find your purpose in life. And I hereby end this post with a wonderfully written poem by an anonymous writer. Stick it somewhere you can read it everyday.

There was a man with unusual gifts

Bearing an honored name,

Life came to him with outstretched hands

Offering wealth and fame;

Carelessly, he turned his head away,

The prize made little appeal,

Contenting himself with a minor part,

He was only a cog in a wheel.

When opportunity knocked at his door,

He was found asleep and deaf;

Long and patiently it waited there,

But he did not come to himself.

His golden chances were wasted like chaff,

He took no account of the real;

Each day a monotonous grind to him,

He was only a cog in a wheel.

In the image of God this man was made,

With power to do and to serve;

Strong of mind and body was he,

But he lacked essential nerve.

So he drifted along from day to day,

Without ambition or zeal,

Playing a dull and nondescript part,

He was only a cog in a wheel.

What place do you fill in life’s great machine,

Are you using your gifts aright?

Today have you wrought some truly fine thing,

Can you claim to have fought a good fight?

Will it surely be said that you “played the game”,

That your life was productive and real?

Or will the world say, as it goes on its way,

He was only a cog in a wheel.

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